Server error when create payslip summary

when I try to create 1 Oct 2022 to 31 Dec 2022 Payslip summary
it return


System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘source’)
at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 selector)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 selector)
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.PayslipSummary.PayslipSummaryView.GetViewModel(PayslipSummary report) in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Businesses/Business/Reports/Payslips/PayslipSummary/PayslipSummaryView.cs:line 47
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2`1.GetViewModel() in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Businesses/Business/Reports/Report2.cs:line 763
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2.InnerGet2() in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Businesses/Business/Reports/Report2.cs:line 34
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.BusinessTemplate.InnerGet() in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Businesses/Business/BusinessTemplate.cs:line 312
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Template.Get() in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/HttpHandlers/Template.cs:line 276
at ManagerServer.Startup.<>c.<b__1_1>d.MoveNext() in /home/runner/work/Manager/Manager/ManagerServer/Startup.cs:line 126
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware.g__Awaited|6_0(ExceptionHandlerMiddleware middleware, HttpContext context, Task task)

Other quarters don’t have this issue.

Further narrow down the problem it is not working for 1 Nov 2022 to 30 Nov 2022 and 1 Dec 2022 to 31 Dec 2022

Please fix the issue, thank you

Please show the edit screen, i.e. the one before submitting to view.

In addition to that, please show a screenshot of the error message.

Please refer to screenshots
I only remember this when I handle quarterly BAS, sorry for my late reply

any update to this bug?
I need to generate reports

I tested on other companies and they have the same error as well.
I tested on a firefox, chrome and same error

If there had been any fix, it would have been announced in this topic.

Meanwhile, have you updated your software? There have been 61 updates since you posted your error message. And have you tried importing a backup into the desktop edition? I cannot replicate your problem; the Payslip Summary seems to work fine in my tests.

Fixed in the latest version (23.3.2)