Server Edition, is it free?


I am using manager id desktop edition for long.
I have a small startup company. i want to use manager io server edition.

My question is that is it free like desktop edition or I need to pay for it?

Welcome to the forum @Shafiq_Suhag,

It’s a one time fee. You can find more answers to your questions here:

If you have the technical IT skills to install and administer the server edition, then go ahead

Otherwise you should consider using the cloud edition


To use the sever edition you need to pay for it.

There is a free trial only while you evaluate if you want to use it. As soon as you start to use it for your accounting, the free trial is over.

NG software uses an honesty system to enforce this which is viable if it is not abused. For the benefit of all users do not abuse the trust you are given.

For a similar discussion see Is (server edition) is free for lifetime? - #4 by Patch

To use the purchased edition together with 1 yr of updates. After that there is a Maintenance fee for another 12 months of updates.

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I always have found this misleading because you have to pay, be it at reduced cost, the 12 months maintenance fee for next years that is included in the first purchase.

The does explain further what this means, ie

What do you mean by 12 month maintenance?

Product key that you purchase will work on subsequent versions released for the next 12 months. This means you will be able to continue upgrading to the latest version for 12 months.

What happens after 12 months of maintenance?

You can continue using purchased copy of server edition forever. However new versions won’t be eligible to work with your purchased product key. You can renew your product key which will give you access to new versions for the next 12 months.