Send attachment with email

Quite often when I email quotes I would like to send another PDF such as a brochure. Since Manager does not open my default email (Thunderbird) I dont see a way to attach it to the quote I’m sending. Ideally it would be great if Manger opened up my default email with the quote attached and I could then add the other PDF(s). Any work around?

Hi, I am wondering if there is any response to this question as it is now over 377 days old. I am a reasonably new to Manager but I have the same need for attachments to Emails to send supporting scans of expense for reimbursement which are part of the invoice sent to the client.

Has aboveall mentioned , even a simple workaround would be much appreciated if this is not possible in the program or seen as something needed by most users?

thank you…

Simple solution: save or print invoice as PDF, using tools appropriate to your operating system, then scan your receipts and merge the two PDFs, then attach the file to an email or print and mail.

Hello Tut

That is a very helpful if somewhat disappointing solution. It would of been nice to have the program open the local mail program to send the email as addresses are auto populated etc and a record kept in the email component of the program.

Your suggestion is a good one all the same so I guess until something better is possible your reply is the answer to my question.

Thank you for your speedy reply as the input is much appreciated.

Most users these days are on web-based email programs such as Gmail so opening local email program wouldn’t be doing any good.

In future, it will be possible to attach documents to quote directly in Manager. That’s the only solution which will work universally for everyone.

Another solution is simply paste a dropbox link of your brochure.

Thanks for responses . Lubos , that sounds great if that will be possible and by quotes I am guessing you also mean Invoices as well? I agree it is the only universal solution . It is real frustration at present as I need to have attachments for most invoices , As long as it is being considered then I am happy to wait, and use the suggestions others have offered till then.

Hi @lubos

Just as a follow up on this original request. I am now using the cloud version and have paid for storage so I can upload attachments related to the Sales Invoices I raise ( which I take the opportunity to say thank you as your solution to the problem is easy and cost effective) . Is there now a way or will there be, that the attachment can be emailed with the Invoice?.. I know not everyone would want that to happen, but for me, this would be very useful and was what I had hoped for now having the cloud attachment facility would allow, if not ,then functionality of the ability to have attachments is greatly decreased , at least for me . The need to have dropbox or Google drive links in the actual email message would be very cumbersome and in my circumstance impractical . Could I request you give this some serious consideration as I would think it is now the next logical step with having Cloud attachments as part of manager .

Thank you as always , and for your support to us users to improve things for all .



Hi @lubos
just as a secondary thought , perhaps a link to the attachment(s)could be created automatically if requested ( tick box) ? at time of sending email ?. like do you wish to send a link in the email for the attachment 1, attachment 2 etc?.

Just throwing it out there , my skills in this area is zero.

thank you.

Yes, this feature will be part of Manager very soon (this month).

your a legend. Thanks Lubos

thanks Lubos , this is the one feature I was really missing …



Hi @lubos,
Just following up if any update on this? I know you have been busy with sorting printing to pdf and getting Themes going , both ideas coming together nicely . This email ability of attachments is one of the features I am hanging out for.

thanks as always

I wasn’t able to implement it last month because I’ve introduced “local attachments” since then which is something I wasn’t planning to implement. That slowed me down a bit. But I’m back on track so except the feature soon.

Thank you for your efforts and update Lubos. Appreciated your making Manger so functional for us users.




Using desktop 16.11.43. When raising an invoice I can attach a document to the invoice using the button at the bottom but this attachment is not included in the message when emailing the invoice from Manager.
Will this be enabled soon?


I don’t know the answer to your question. But your version was in the middle of some rapid program changes related to PDF generation, which would impact emails. You are already more than 40 updates behind. Recommend you update.

Now running latest download 16.11.89 still not sending any attached files with the sales invoice from manager.
The invoice emails fine but attachments seem to be ignored at the time of emailing.

My only purpose, since you mentioned the version you were on, was to point out that it was already obsolete. I was not suggesting the update would cause attachments to be sent with emails.

I have no knowledge of any such plans, but personally doubt you would ever see that, as it could easily result in background documentation being sent to customers accidentally. Remember you can always generate PDFs of any form and attach them, along with anything else you desire, to an email sent from your normal email program. Many users actually prefer the added control and formatting options that provides.

Hi @tut , on this one I disagree with the opinon that it will never be
seen. Lubos has indicated it would be available by now but due to many
upgrades it is taking longer than planned. I have use for this funtion
everyday and as with all things there is good and bad. I, for one ,am
really looking forward to this functionality. I have need of it every day.
It is not as simple as one my think to just add attachment externally . I
have not been able see how you can as manager sends invoice for me, once I
click send that is the end of my input. I then have to create a whole new
email on my email client and attach what I want there. A very cumbersome
process. @lubos has indicated this will be possible and soon, so lets hope
that is the case. He always manages to find a great solution, I am
confident he will deliver again .

Yes, indeed, if you send the invoice from Manager. That was my entire point: save the PDF and send the email from your regular email, not from Manager. In other words, send a regular email, with all the formatting, tracking, recall, receipt, or whatever capabilities you might like to use. Attach the PDF of the invoice as well as any supporting documentation. I do it all the time and find it far more convenient to have total control over what I am sending, plus only one repository of emails to deal with. But that’s just my personal preference. And I can call up the emails on my smartphone when I’m not at the computer that has Manager on it. Sometimes, integration of functions isn’t all it is cracked up to be. Again, personal opinion.