Removing due date

for users who do not need the due date printed on the invoice when both the Invoice date and Due date are the same, proceed with the instructions below.

  1. copy and paste any theme from the Manager website.

  2. edit the theme and find the line where it says

    {% for field in fields %}
    <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
    <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ field.text }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
  3. replace the above lines with the following code

{% for field in fields %}
{% if field.label == 'Due date' %}{% assign duedate = field.text %}{% endif %}
{% if field.label == 'Invoice date' %}{% assign invoicedate = field.text %}{% endif %}
{% if field.label == 'Due date' %}{% if duedate == invoicedate %}{% continue %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
<div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ field.text }}</div>
{% endfor %}

this code does not hide the Due date when it is different from the Invoice date.