Recurring Sales Invoices do not appear

In April, I created recurring sales invoices to appear from 01/05/2022 (1st of May). They usually appear automatically on the Sales Invoices menu according to the date set. However, they are not this time as I just checked them today.

On the Sales Invoices menu, I find a small yellow box indicates the number of recurring invoices. When I click the menu, there’s a notification “There is one or more recurring invoices pending to be issued”. When I click the notification, it redirects me to the list of recurring invoices. I have no ideas how to issue them.

Could anyone help me please, how to issue recurring invoices automatically?

My Manager version is 22.3.2.

Thanks for your help!

Read the Guide: Set up and manage recurring sales invoices | Manager.

Hi Tut,
Thanks a lot for the reference. It works!