Recurring payslip

I’m using Manager software, and trying to read the forum in frequent manner. i really appreciate and thanx to lubos and team for taking care of all the concerns as challenging rather than getting irritated.

My query is we dont have anything as daily (only weekly and monthly)

we are having daily wage employees and we need to generated daily also
(we want to track this as their attendance register i.e., to generate pay slip only when he reports to the manager)

Otheer then the above concern, i couldn’t able to generate the recurrng payslips individually as shown below. by default all are showing with the tick marks. if i tried to remove one employee who is not working any more with the firm, it is not taking.

I can see what you mean but it is not really recurring payslip what you need.

If you need to create payslip for employee, then just view their previous payslip and Clone it, then change figures.

This way you have even simpler workflow. No need for recurring payslips in your case.