So I am batching deleting 9 pages when I went to do the 2nd page a pop up appeared asking if I really want to delete and I could tick a box if I dont want to see the message again which I ticked and now it wont delete its almost as if by disabling the popup its not oking the delete when I hit the delete button
all good I shut down PC and reopened manager and it is now working again
@Wornout, you are the third person in the last few days who has mentioned a tick box about not wanting to see the message again. But to the best of my knowledge, this is not a feature of Manager. What edition (desktop, server, cloud) and operating system are you using? I think this is a feature of your operating system.
I guess Microsoft Edge “feature” but yet to check this.
Ahhhh. Another problem with Chrome. Try using a different browser and see if that happens.
Manager requires confirmation before it will let you delete things as a way of preventing mistakes. If Chrome recognizes that dialog boxes are being generated and allows you to block them, it is blocking the confirmation that Manager depends on, so nothing can happen. This would be why it works again when the browser is restarted.
sorry desktop and I am on V 20.10.35. I have not updated yet as I did not think the updates affected me just yet. I hope I have not doubled up on a question I did do a search before I asked but maybe I had the wrong key words
So, @Patch, if @Wornout is on v20.10.35, she could not yet be affected by the switch to Edge. Her screen shot shows Chrome is running, though; it shows something to do with Receipts & Payments.
Do you know if changing a default browser can force Manager to use something besides the preferred IE (for older versions) or Edge (for newer versions) on Windows installations? Or will the program always revert to using the built-in preference?
@Wornout, what I am exploring here has to do with the fact that even the desktop edition relies on a browser. I am trying to understand what is generating the dialog box giving you the option to turn off further messages. Regardless of where it comes from, turning them off would deprive Manager of its confirmations, as I wrote above.
Regardless of where it comes from, turning them off would deprive Manager of its confirmations,<
Yes Tut thats what I thought had happened
But did not even think about the desktop one using a web page and I know it does.
But interesting question about the newer versions making you use edge I dont want to unless I really really have to
some reason my whole reply is in a quote sorry
If you don’t want to use Edge, there is a button to fall back to Internet Explorer when you update for the first time to a version capable of Edge.
By the way, your post was in a quote because you had a > symbol at the beginning of it. That is Markdown symbology to make the entire paragraph a block quote.
@Tut thanks Does it make any difference to manager which browser we use ?performance wise
I don’t know if it even matters what you choose or whether Manager chooses for you. I do know that if you update and accept Edge, there are functions that will work that would not otherwise, such as dragging and dropping attachments.
I doubt performance would change regardless.