Delete late payment fees

I’m using the desktop version of manager and have it set to automatically generate late payment fees.

The yellow banner appears across the top of the invoices tab and I create the the late payment fees. I go into the late payment tab I can delete them but the yellow banner then reappears in the invoices tab and recreates them again.

how do i delete them so the yellow banner doesn’t recreate them over and over again.

ALso So I was doing this and i kept getting an annoying confirmation question with every delete so I clicked in the don’t ask me again box but now manager wont let me delete any of them. how do i fix this?

You need to edit the sales invoice for which you do not want late payment fees to be applied. And if you don’t want them applied in general, you need to modify your Form Defaults in Settings.

Can you post a screen shot of what you are referring to? So far as I know, there is nowhere in Manager that shows you a “don’t ask me again box.” But I could be wrong. Manager’s design philosophy is slanted toward preserving data. So it always asks for confirmation before deleting something except when in the Batch Delete mode.

thanks I’ll edit the invoices…just frustrating having to edit about 100 invoices.

I’d post a screenshot of what I clicked on except now it doesn’t come up any more.

Interesting…there was just another post referring to ticking a box to prevent a message from being displayed again. It was equally mystifying. What version number are you using?

You could use Batch Update. See

It sounds like perhaps you should not have the option selected under Form Defaults if you have that many invoices where you don’t want it.

thanks. I’ve just edited the invoices and deleted the late payment fee.

I’ve also turned off the auto late payment fee and will just add a late payment fee to the invoices where I select to do so.

I’ve also just updated the version so I’m running on 20.10.78

But what version were you running when you say you encountered a “don’t ask me again box?”


I wonder if this has to do with the WebView thing I kee reading about. I know chrome will give you the option to prevent the site from displaying additional pop ups, and since manager is essentially a website / server relationship, the new web view might change the dialogue boxes.

mine seems to be running through edge as the new version i downloaded asked me to update an extension to edge. not sure if thats just something in my settings that it runs through edge but my default browser is chrome