Quote number is not shown when viewing purchase order

hello all
Quote number not showing on purchase order view mode despite of it is already exist in PO edit mode

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The Quote Number is refers to a Purchase Quote transaction. Only existing Purchase Quotes references can be selected

Have you created a Purchase Quote?

Also, please state what edition and verison of Manager you are using?

You have no supplier selected. And contrary to what you wrote, the purchase order edit mode does not show a quote number.

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v 22.3.9
yes I have created a purchase quote

You have to select the supplier first, as Tut said, before the Purchase Quotes are listed

How would the program know which Purchase Quotes to list if you not select the supplier?

An easier way to work, would be to view the Purchase Quote and then copy it to a Purchase Order

supplier is selected and quote is selected but both are hidden
new image bellow this quote number is not printed
I used copy to already

What do you mean they are hidden?

The screen image you show has both the supplier and the Quote reference

Only showing partial screen images does not help us to understand what it is you are showing - we have to guess

You need to show full screen images of your problem starting from the edit screen and showing whatever it is you think is wrong

You can use a test business if you do not want to show proprietary information - although no one on this forum really cares about or is interested in your business information as such

the image below for the purchase order view mode no quote number while it is already selected in edit mode

Correct, the Purchase Quote is not displayed on the view of the Purchase Order but is only shown on the edit of the Purchase Order

This may or may not be a bug - nowhere in the guide does it mention that the Purchase Quote reference is displayed on the Purchase Order

@sarwat, the only purpose of the dropdown Quote number field on a purchase order is to enable status monitoring of the purchase quote, not to cause the quote number to appear on the purchase order. A purchase quote can be used for several different purposes and may have actually been sent to a different supplier or suppliers. The number is your internal number and may not even match anything of which the supplier is aware.

Also, you are clearly using a custom theme. You are responsible for what appears when using custom themes.

@Tut usually we receive quotation from a supplier with his quotation reference number then we copy it to a new purchase order if accepted so the quotation number is important to be printed on our purchase orders ,this help the the supplier to referee to his quotation easily “this PO is based on your quote NO# ……”

You could use a custom field to hold the supplier’s quotation reference number

yes, I did for now , but why not while it is already exist by default only need to be printed that’s it.

Custom fields exist so you can add information the program does not use. Manager does not need or use your supplier’s internal quote number.

sales quote reference is printed on sales order by default , it is better as well to print purchase quote reference on purchase order it is useful for supplier and customer in many cases

You may think that is true. And it might be within your own workflow. I already explained in post #10 why that will not work for everyone.

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