Hi @lubos Facing Challenge sale invoice and delivery note is both generated but quality to deliver showing negative.
Qty to deliver
represents difference between between invoiced qty and delivered qty. If the Qty to deliver
is negative then you have delivered to customers more quantity than invoiced.
In previous versions Qty to deliver
was driven by what’s on sales orders but it turns out that was wrong way to track. You could have delivered quantity on sales orders but then invoice it differently. Now your Qty on hand
and Qty owned
would not equal even if you would deliver everything on sales orders.
So the previous calculation method was actually wrong. The one you see now with negative balances is actually correct. When you drill-down into these figures, you will see you must have delivered to your customers more than invoiced.
- in sale invoice quantity is exactly same as delivery note
- when creating sale invoice inventory quantity get directly deducted from quantity owned without generating delivery note, this was not happening before.
You probably meant Qty on hand
Anyway, if you want the old behaviour where sales invoice is not decreasing Qty on hand
, check the Column - Qty delivered
checkbox on sales invoice.
See: Added optional "Qty received" and "Qty delivered" columns to invoices
everything was correct before, then suddenly you change it and start tracking qty to deliver from sales order. Now you are saying that we should start tracking from sale invoice has it was before. See this is very stressful. when you change this the first time it gives us a lot of work now you change again. Am not happy. I have said you guys should give cloud users the opportunity to update the system on their own. yet nothing has been done
I dont know how you are affected (except the negative balances which could be corrected without much issue) as the previous method where tracking was based on invoice wasn’t removed till now. So both methods were working in parallel.
Previously using the old method, you had to track each and every delivery per invoice (once tracking is on for items) but now can choose if you want to track a specific invoice or not.
That was not said at all. Please also do not cross-post your issues, once posted somewhere it will be noticed, thank you.
See all my quantity are showing negative. do you know the thousands of transaction to start editing now. see i don’t like going forward and backward. And i don’t understand the workflow any more. and i have to start teaching my team how it works all over again
To ease my worry and frustration with the system now just explain to me how you guys have design the workflow now. and please all this changing of work flow should stop. otherwise i think manager is not for me. I have used this system since 2018, but now you guys are just making my work stressful
@Lubos explained that this is what you would expect to see in earlier post, i.e.
So when the Qty to deliver is now negative this is correct when these were not invoiced. In any of the workflows you always would also invoice the customer once the items were delivered. That your figures are now negative illustrates that these items have not yet been invoiced.
Given the fact that you have so many Qty to deliver in the negative it indeed would mean that you have some work to do to create invoices, which you should have done in any case.
It turns out, to make sure both Qty on hand
and Qty owned
are correct, Qty to receive
and Qty to deliver
must be based on invoices and delivery notes/goods receipts. Not orders.
Undelivered sales orders are now tracked in different column named Qty reserved
and unreceived purchase orders in column Qty on order
If your Qty to receive
and Qty to deliver
figures are suddenly negative, it just proves I needed to make this change because the previous quantity model was only giving illusion of everything being okay. It was not.
Actually this latest update removes requirement for the “workflow”. In the previous version, if you wanted to track Qty to receive
and Qty to deliver
, you’ve been forced into recording sales orders and purchase orders. Now it’s no longer necessary. So there is no workflow. You simply enter transactions as they happen in your business.
I remember very well when you guys change the workflow to start tracking qty to receive and qty to deliver by preparing sales order and purchase order, i complain an said it wrong. yet you guys force my to implement it.
Now i have taught my team to start preparing sales order and purchase order for every transaction we make , also we have prepared sales order and purchase order for past transactions just to have the correct qty to receive and qty to deliver.
Now all transaction shows negative and you guys are says it was wrong to track from sale and purchase order. Now do you see the work you have given me.
See this is why i say please make it possible for us cloud user to update the system ourselves. This is stressful and i am discourage with manager right now
You were not the only one complaining.
That’s why I actually never got rid of the old Qty to receive
and Qty to deliver
columns. I just added Obsolete
label next to them. There were some good arguments given against order-based workflow and I didn’t have good counter-arguments.
It’s only recently I finally understood how sales orders and purchase orders should fit into the overall quantity model. There are users who do want Manager to calculate projected qty so they know how much more to order from suppliers.
But for users who do not care about projected qty (your use-case), I do not want their bookkeeping to be more difficult than necessary. The current model achieves exactly this.
I wish I’d know before what I know now. I agree that these painful changes have been completely avoidable because the initial foundation was 90% good. I could have realized this before instead of throwing it away completely only to come back to it. So that is completely my screw up.
i just realize there are some items that qty on hand is been affected by good received and sales invoice while some qty on hand is been affected by good received and delivery note. also some items the qty on hand is affected by good receive, sale invoice and delivery note and for this items my delivery note shows negative. please check this.
This is because invoices are able to affect Qty on hand
See: Added optional "Qty received" and "Qty delivered" columns to invoices
So if you issue invoice where you are delivering items at the same time, you might not even need to issue separate delivery note.
the delivery note is very important to be a separate document at all times. because it has it own meaning. please change that.
Let follow the right accounting process. also for us that delivers goods after some days even though customers has paid. that means our qty on hand will be the same with qty own meanwhile that is not the reality. please just implement the right accounting process.
also if you implement this that means we need to go back to all invoices and start updating and also deleting some delivery note. this will be wrong please follow this workflow
- Qty on Hand; Goods receive increase it and Delivery note reduce it
- Qty on Order; Purchase order Increase it and Purchase invoice reduce it
- Qty to receive; Purchase Invoice increase it and Good received reduce it
- Qty reserved; Sales order increase it and sales invoice reduces it
- Qty own; Purchase invoice increase it and sales invoice reduce it
- Qty to deliver; sales invoice increase it and delivery note reduce it
From all the observation i have made I hope you consider this suggestion. Because this is the actual workflow i believe accounting follows.
thank you
Completely agree with you…
And in cases where invoicing is not used e.g. cash sales/purchases over the counter
7. Qty on Hand, Receipts decreases it and Payments increases it
8. Qty Owned, Receipts decreases it and Payments increases it
Do this only for those Sales invoices for which you have issued Delivery Notes. Check the Column- Qty Delivered and leave the Qty Delivered value empty. Do the same for Purchase invoices for which you have issued Goods Receipts.
This will correct Qty on hand and Qty to deliver/Qty to receive unless you have some other issue going on.
If there are too many invoices use batch update.
And in future if you want to issue Delivery Notes then Go to Form Defaults of both Sales and Purchase Invoices.
@lubos I think this is good if implemented to new user, but for us, existing user that have implemented with old procedure really struggling to trace back our thousands transaction really because this change.
Now, If I activate tick mark in columnt - qty delivered when I sold item inentory in sales invoice, I think difficult to tracking my shipment to customer because there is no information anymore about how much my obligation to deliver it? and if I create new delivery notes manually, it decreasing balance in qty on hand for twice (first decreasing because activating column - qty deliver, and second decreasing because I need to creat new delivery notes).
Also what is your solution for ours existing transaction that affected by this new proceudre? Now, see on red box on picture above, how to create delivery notes that integrated to sales invoice if i dont wanna use new procedure? or how to create delivery notes without decreasing balance in qty on hand (also not making negative balance in qty to delivered) if I use new procedure to activating tick mark on column - qty delivered whereas this new procedure automatically decreasing balance in qty on hand?
Please consider for every single new implementation because our clients really suffering and noisy in my head and ears.
This is not proper accounting and it will be difficult for us to go backward. Better still make it possible for does who does not want to prepare delivery note to be able to click the delivery column to indicated that goods has been delivered and when they do, the system automatically record the qty delivered to reduce the qty at hand not sales invoice.