Quantity to deliver is negative

This feels like a try and error method. While click qty to deliver and not put the quantity to deliver in the box provided. Instant when the quantity to deliver is selected, the quantity should be put in the box and that will reduce the qty at hand and the user will not prepare delivery note again. if the user donot select qty to deliver, that means the user will need to prepare qty to deliver in order to reduce qty at hand. sales invoice have nothing to do with qty at hand. This also goes with purchase invoice and qty to receive.

thanks you

I think this just demonstrates the inventory quantity columns need to be as straightforward as possible. No magical behaviour, no exceptions. Just something that everybody can easily understand and troubleshoot.

It does work almost the same way as @Minaji suggested.

Have a look how it all works in the latest version and letā€™s see if we can all settle on this.

Hi, I just realised that on the Delivery Note part & Goods Receipt, some of the sales / purchase invoices that Iā€™ve been linked to before somehow gone so I canā€™t track down the delivery note / goods receipt is part of which invoices. Is there anyone have the same problem as me ?

Hi @rully_p,

Itā€™s not clear what you mean by this:

Would you care to explain in more detail?

Have you split your Manager database?

Or are these invoices deleted? closed? or are they still there but are not selectable for some reason?

Hi @Ealfardan ,

The invoices are still there and I didnā€™t do anything with them. I just found out the delivery Note and goods receipt somehow not selected to the invoices. Before the update all are linked to the invoices. So when you want to check the delivery Note is belong to which invoices, the reference invoices is blank. Itā€™s like I didnā€™t selected the invoices which is weird.

Its fine here. Check history of some delivery notes which you are sure that invoices were selected previously.

Thank you i see now that everything works well has before

@lubos there is a bug in issuing a Negative Delivery note for Inventory Kits for Returned goods. It doesnā€™t post the negatives figures and there remains a difference between qty to deliver and qty on hand. Works fine when Individual item is selected with negative qty.
Also it will be great if ability to select both suppliers and customers on DNs and GRNs is implemented in case of returns.

Hi, Iā€™m pretty much sure itā€™s gone since I am in the audit process itā€™s gone from my data since mid of 2022 data for both the delivery note and goods receipt.