Qty on hand in Sales invoice Custom theme

I understand , there is no direct method to get "Inventory-Qty on hand " from the previous topics in forum.
What I am trying to find is, if there is any possibility to get Inventory Quantity On Hand value in Sales invoice at lease through a custom field? If not possible is there any variable or alternate method, to get it in Sales Invoice Theme customization code ? It will be very helpful if you can share with me any tips on this.

Not really unless you add a custom field and enter theqty on hand manually.

I am intrigued as to why you want to show the Qty on hand on a sales invoice. Your customers don’t really care what the inventory on hand is

If you want to know the quantity on hand to be sure you do not sell inventory you do not have in stock, you can open a second Manager window and visit the Inventory Items tab while you are creating a sales invoice in the first window. Methods for doing this depend on your edition of Manager and operating system. The topic has been discussed many times in the forum.

Thanks for your reply. I understand it is a manual procedure to verify while creating each and every sales invoice The intent of my request was to explore the possibility of the system to handle it automatically and prevent the sale of an item that is not in stock.

True but that field can be hidden easily using custom theme editting. I was trying to figure out a method to intimate the user who creates sales invoice about the low or unavailability of the stock before creating sales invoice.

That suggestion is already in the ideas category: Inventory zero warning. It, too, has been discussed dozens of times in the forum. It is always good to search the forum before starting new topics.