I noticed that when you create a purchase invoice, it directly add the quantity of the items to the inventory location; which is the same work of goods receipt. This two processes multiply the quantity in the inventory location because both purchase invoice and good receipt add directly to the inventory location. Am I the only one experiencing this, or am doing soming wrong?
I use a server version of manager.
I think the issue is whether you are tracking quantities to receive of the inventory item. Read this Guide: Use goods receipts | Manager. If you have not selected the option to track quantities to receive, a purchase invoice adds the item directly to inventory. A goods receipt would then add it again, actually expecting that a purchase invoice will follow.
This is different from the way things used to work. Before the option was added (back in April), a goods receipt was always required if that tab was enabled. Now things are more flexible. But you have to know which items are designated to be tracked and which are not.
My question is, even if goods receipts are enabled and used, in inventory item detail, it shows the item received date as the original date of the purchase invoice.
In case of goods shipped from suppliers abroad, it may take months from the actual purchase invoice date for the goods to reach us.
In this case, is there a way, we can track goods receipt date in the inventory tab instead of the purchase invoice date?
April 8 is purchase invoice date, but goods were received on 17th May. Even though goods receipt was done on 17th May, in inventory tab it shows the purchase invoice and it’s date.
Pls explain how this works and if there’s a way where we can actually see the goods receipt date in the inventory.
Goods receipt notes aren’t transactions and as such they don’t have an effect on your GL or inventory on hand account. They’re being treated as modifiers to purchase invoices only affecting available quantity of items. The amounts and total quantity are unaffected.
I suppose you’re suggesting that quantities invoiced of items go to a temporary account, say “Goods to Receive”, which later on another transaction (a Goods Receipt) transfers them to inventory on hand.
While this a valid workflow, I don’t see it adding much in terms of control over inventory despite it being a major development.
Alternatively, you can hold on recording of the purchase invoices until the goods received – which is a more common approach. This works by booking your PO and then copying to GRN and Purchase Invoice simultaneously once the goods arrive.
If you need to keep track of supplier invoice issue date, you can use a custom field or just mention it in the description.
I like your suggestion on adding PI date as a custom field or description, as even now I’m recording PI and GRN when the goods are received.
Only issue is since I use the PI date, in inventory tab when quantities are added, it goes to a backdated date where inventory is actually “not in my hand”.
@novone, it is important in accounting, especially accrual accounting, to understand the differences between the financial aspects of inventory management and quantitative aspects. The financial aspect is related to ownership. The quantitative, of course, is related to physical presence of goods, which is secondary from an accounting perspective.
That is why Manager gives you the option of using or not using goods receipts and delivery notes.