Purchase invoice bulk create from Excel

We have recently opened a company of fashion wear. There are inventory items exceeding 16000 SKU. We have arrangement with supplier to provide us inventory items details in excel including item code, description and for every purchase, they will provide us similar excel detailing item the item code, description, quantity & purchase prices. So, for the start up, we created inventory items by bulk create successfully importing data from Excel. Recently, we have received the first lot of goods covering almost 2000 SKU. The supplier have provided us a detailed list in excel format. Creating Purchase Invoice by entering items one by one is an exhausting process. Is there any way to create Purchase Invoice by importing from Excel?

Help is earnestly solicited.

Batch Create.

Thank you. Let me try

Please also take note from home page at https://www2.manager.io/:

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It may be that a business with 16,000 SKUs is too big.

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We have successfully input inventory items 16000 SKU by batch create - it took less than a minute

So, I am not sure about your information

That said,

@Tut , please check the attached file in excel format. How do we batch create Purchase Invoice with the details in the attached supplied by the supplier to facilitate the input

I have tried by several methods but failed. In the above file, i have given just about 80 items but the actual purchase sku is about 2000,kindly take note

My information is clear, I just wanted to alert you that along the line you may lack capacity and that can not be attributed to Manager.

Dear Eko, can there be a work around to the problem stated above

@sonicgroup, your link to a PDF was deleted because it was a security threat to other users.

My role as a moderator is not to do your work for you.

Sorry, I am disappointed with your answer. You took it in a negative way, i just wanted your help suggestion. This forum is a platform to seek a solution. Exactly that’s what i have done by presenting my problem here.

Your rebuke makes me wonder what is the role of moderator. Be helpful or just offend people away?

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It is a simple question, isn’t it Mr moderator?

@eko, after more trials, I come to agree with your observation that the line on which we are expecting, the MANAGER may have limitation.

On the other hand, it makes me wonder how @Tut asked me do batch create. May be he didn’t have enough understanding or a of a solution to our question in contrast to your quick grasp and informative replies. Thanks @eko for the help.

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To understand the details of the required format though you will have to first

  • Manually enter some representative data directly into Manager

  • Do a “Batch update” on the manually entered data

  • Paste the Batch update data into your spreadsheet program

  • Look at the headings used and details of the data in each cell

  • This data format is identical to what you would have had to create to enter the data via “Batch create” except for the “Key” field (a UUID for the record in Manager)

  • Use you new found knowledge to create of data file for your desired “Batch create”

@Tut actually gave the right advice as @Patch also explained you can import Excel spreadsheet Purchase invoices with Batch create similar to what you did with inventory items.

I only warned that Manager may not be suitable for you. For example if you want to create a single Purchase invoice for the 2,000 SKUs then you need to enter for each line item at least 8 columns such as from a test business:

Lines.1.Item	Lines.1.LineDescription	Lines.1.Qty	Lines.1.PurchaseUnitPrice	Lines.1.CurrencyAmount	Lines.1.DiscountPercentage	Lines.1.DiscountAmount	Lines.1.TaxCode
c7a51f6c-17c3-4a7e-9b3e-0e2678016eb5	Top fabric red 0.25kg/m	10	30				fbc87b39-1b39-45d3-bea5-aee733270932

This would mean that you in this case would have to create 16,000 columns in your spreadsheet, which is just under the limit of any Excel worksheet of 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns (see Excel specifications and limits - Microsoft Support).

Also for each inventory item you need to know its UUID such as “c7a51f6c-17c3-4a7e-9b3e-0e2678016eb5” and UUID for tax code. This can be done but requires VLOOKUP work in Excel.

I also wonder (never tried) if manually in Manager creating a single Purchase invoice with 2,000 SKUs how much time that actually will take. You would keep adding item lines that each will allow you to select from the 16,000 SKUs by either starting to type its name or scroll down this enormous list.

So, in a nutshell the advice how to import Excel data was perfectly in order, but I just try to show you that you may run quickly into Manager’s limitations. It would be better to use a Point of Sales system with a good inventory management module and use its financial summaries in Manager for book-keeping and accounting purposes.

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Nothing in that description of moderators’ responsibilities suggests we have any obligation to answer your questions, and it certainly does not suggest we are supposed to take on specific review tasks. The fact that moderators sometimes do means they are acting in their role as fellow users. Moderators are not customer service personnel.

That seemed like a specific request that I perform a task for you. I simply informed you that is not my role. It was not a rebuke, as you seem to think. There is plenty of information in the Guides and elswhere in the forum on how to use the Batch Create function.

@Patch & @eko , firstly let me acknowledge with many thanks for your valuable information & suggestions. My special reference is to @eko first comment at the very outset of the message about limitations of the Manager.

Carefully, reviewing the feedback from you two guys which really helped me to draw conclusion that, although batch update is possible, but it’s impractical. Thanks a lot

Some people are really helpful & informative !!

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