Profit & Loss Statement with my Account Codes in Numerical Order

Is there a way that I can get my Account Codes to print in numerical order on my Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet - My Account Codes are in Numerical Order but they print all over the place in my Profit & Loss Statement. My Account Codes are Income, Cost of Goods Sold, and Expenses all under the relevant headings but I need them in Numerical Order under each heading.
Thanking you.

You can rearrange the order of display in Settings > Chart of Accounts by clicking on this button Screenshot_20210209-093459_1

Thank you for your reply - I have all of my Headings in the right place but my Account Codes for Income etc. are not in numerical order - this is my problem eg I have Code 41000 then 41600 then 41300 - these are the codes I need to be in numerical order

Use the Up-Down arrow next to an account to move it up or down within a group

Thank you AJD for your help - this has now been implemented and I am able to get the result that I was after. Thanks again.