When I print out my profit and loss statement I only have 2 customers show up. None of my others customers show up. Can anyone help?
Not with that amount of information.
What version of Manager are you using?
Show edit screen for an invoice that is not appearing in your P and L
Show the P and L report it is not appearing in
Show the edit screen for the P and L report it is not appearing in
Only then can you get an answer to your request for help
Customers do not show on the Profit and Loss Statement. Account balances accumulated during the defined period do. So what are you referring to?
Instead of photographing the screen it is better to use stool to capture the screen image
However, can you show the edit screen for invoice 998
When using cash basis the P&L will only include invoices when the payment is received in the period. The income will be posted to whatever account was used on the invoice that was paid
Why is there an account called accounts receivable in your P&L?
Accounts receivable is a Balance Sheet account
Unless you have renamed the built in Accounts Receivable it looks like you are not using Manager’s standard accounts for managing customers and I invoicing
I suggest you read the relevant guides again
@Pat, you have several issues with your chart of accounts (that are visible from the small portion shown):
- It is usually a poor idea to create income accounts for individual customers. Once they have been used, you will not be able to delete them. Long after one of these customers stops doing business with you, your chart of accounts will still carry that account and show it on your financial reports. See Design a chart of accounts | Manager and Build a chart of accounts | Manager. Income accounts are normally named for categories or types of income, such as Consulting or Hourly services.
- Accounts receivable is an asset account, as @Joe91 said. The screen shot of a receipt shows the built-in account is active, so you should not have created the version on your Profit and Loss Statement.
- Any cash account is also an asset account. Further, it looks like you have created your CASH account as an ordinary income account. See the Guide: Set up a cash account | Manager.
Those things said, you have not told or shown anything that suggests the Profit and Loss Statement is omitting customers. Why, exactly, do you think that is happening? If you were trying to demonstrate that income from VIEW launceston is not showing up, you should not expect it to as a result of a receipt posted against a sales invoice. The income was recorded on the sales invoice, which you have not shown and is posted to the account designated there. See Create sales invoices | Manager. Since you are using cash basis accounting, it will show up in the designated income account once you enter the receipt of money against it.
If you post any other screen shots, please show the entire Edit screen, captured directly, not by camera.