Problem with User Permission

Hi. Can anybody help me to solve my problem with the User Permission? I as an administrator gave permission to one of my employee to view supplier statement as per attached. But when i ‘‘Impersonate’’ his username or when i login using his ID, I haven’t seen supplier statement in the same area. Any idea what kind of problem is that? Please help me out as I am intending to take this software as my regular software. Thank you.

Have you enabled the Suppliers module under Customize in the left navigation pane? And have you created any suppliers? Reports become available when they are feasible.

Yes. Administrator permitted to use Supplier module and is accessible, as like creating new suppliers, and creating purchase invoice as well.

But do you have any suppliers created? I’m not sure whether the Supplier Statement report is visible if there are no suppliers.

Yes. Suppliers are already created and were put in purchase invoices. You can see accounts payable in the attached file as well. Problem is that the administrator can only see supplier statement in reports and employee with all old or new username can’t see despite same was allowed by the admin itself several times.

This was a bug. Fixed in the latest version.

hi i have other problem
i have 1 user if i want to permission Sales Invoices full accesses but in Purchase Invoices only view how can i do

@Babico you have raised a very interesting point. You should have raised this as a different topic.
At the moment, the permission to create, edit, view Delete is general for all models the restricted user has been granted.
But what if the Admin wants a user to be able to create, view and edit sales invoices but only view sales orders which have been created by sales guys so that he could create sales invoices with it (Copy to Sales Invoice)?
There are many many more use cases that ability would be perfect for.

That ability would make manager restricted user permissions better I believe.

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