Print the account column

Hi everybody…
Is it possible to print the account column and Cost Center in Bank Transaction and Cash transaction module?

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You need to explain more clearly. What do you mean by cost center? And what account column do you refer to? And where do you want to print theme?

After Creating Bank Transaction “Payment” for example, The Payment Comes without Account Column or cost Tracking Code Column like this

Manager Software is hides those columns by default, maybe the Description is enough for some, but i think it’s important for me, especially if i was going to check on hard copy or make sure if i entered data correctly, so I’m asking if it possible to show these columns while printing?

this is not possible.

no business would want their customer who is receiving the receipt to know what accounts they are using. the accounts are for internal use only ie within the business.

Thank you

Tracking codes are the same. A customer deals with known companies or individuals. No one cares about your internal divisions.

What about General Ledger ?
customers don’t take any copy of General Ledger

Is this a question?

Hi Tut,

I want the account columns and tracking codes to be printed on Bank/Cash Payments & Receipts as they are not meant for customer/suppliers. They are for our own records like vouchers.

This would make it more clear for management to see where the expense is charged or which chart of account is used to make bank payments.

I hope this clarifies to you…

Zain Hemani

While this may be true in your case, it is not true for others. Many businesses use the receipt form to give to a customer after a cash (non-credit) sale. And others use the payment form as an advice when paying bills.

You seem to be fixated on paper copies of transactions. That gives up the advantages of a computer-based accounting system, where the information is always available.

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Respect your point of view, but this should be added via custom field or some other way of customization. As we can see the column of account code in Journal Entries also.

showing account codes for journal entries is already in the ideas category.

Hi Tut,

It is a humble request that please show the Account title in Account column as showing in your General Journal Voucher.

I hope you will must do it dear.



The reason accounts are not shown on receipts and payments was already explained in this thread.