Possible bug in account reconciliation

Just down loaded the new desktop version 16.7.73. The new version does not give you the option of which account to export the reconciliation.tsv file (If you have 2 bank accounts it now exports the data for both in 1 file). The exported data shows the date that the account was reconciled, however the balance is on the current date of the exported file. The only way that I can find to work around it is this is o go back and mark the payments & deposits as uncleared back to the date of the bank statement.

Lubos was hoping to have a reconciliation report up and running by January. Now is that progressing?

I’m not sure exactly what you are referring to, @nbd. Reconciliation does not involve export of a TSV file. Can you please describe exactly what you have done to reach the point where you believe you see this perceived bug? If possible, include screen shots.

I’ve added the report on the roadmap. I keep forgetting about this. I will do it sometime this month.