Please please please stop asking for new features

And that is what this particular topic is about - the “Ideas” section of the forum, it doesn’t relate to the general forum as noted by the third line of the opening post “There already is for a very long time a very long list with ideas”.

Now talking generally. Whilst I haven’t done an analysis of the Ideas category but the Ideas broadly fall under two types.

1 - Features: these are significant in scope. My pet Idea - Production Order Enhancements - being one which would be a multi-stage implementation. However it is disappointing that some of the basic elements of that Idea hasn’t yet been implemented after 4 years such as the frequently requested - converting single inventory input into multiple inventory output - by a multitude of users.

2 - Tweaks: minor corrections to Manager functions. Many of these are Manager in-built restrictions which have nothing to do with accounting conventions or doctrines. Take Payroll Deductions, for some unexplained reason Manager limits the Chart of Accounts selection to only Liability accounts. There is no accounting basis for this restriction to occur. Numerous users have clearly demonstrated and illustrated how Payroll deductions can be both internal and external, yet this has fallen on deaf ears. In this particular case, why does Manager continue to force Users to adopt workarounds, non-conventional accounting solutions to achieve their daily activities.

And this is frequently the frustration - users being forced to do accounting in un-conventical ways due to Manager’s illogical inbuilt restrictions. In the past some Users have attempted to justify those restrictions as valid - but that is absolute garbage.

It is obvious from comments in this topic that some Users have better connections to the Developer’s operations then others. For myself, I have no knowledge if the developer is a one man band or a team, yet @patch can apparently factual state “Lubos does alone what is done by a team”. However, what I do know is that the maintaining of the Guides is contracted out to a third party.

Also their are those who continue to run the hackney argument “did Microsoft or Adobe ever make a change any of you recommended?” If you think that these companies only ever make changes / upgrades based on their own internal navel gazing then you are still floating around on Noahs Ark. These companies spend millions on think tank focus groups made up of extremely advanced users of their products and then use teams of Beta Testers before releasing updates. Even then they still have bugs discovered by the Joe Public user.

But to answer your question, no, but then again I am such an insignifant user of their products, however with regards to Manager, I will let the developer decide the validity of my input.

In closing, no one has argued that there hasn’t been improvements, the recent RTL release being a case in point, just that if you are going to ask users for suggestions and set up an Ideas category to register them, then there is an underlying expectation that they will either be acted upon or openly rejected within a reasonable time frame.


Well I will admit it did take Microsoft two years to restore the start menu in Windows 8 as they refused to recognise what a bugger up it was! That was a blunder of historic proportions! Unbelievable how Microsoft got this so wrong!

I don’t know about you @Brucanna, but I feel a lot better getting all these thoughts off my chest. Not that it will make the slightest difference of course. :grinning: But the discussion was good nonetheless and takes my mind off this Lockdown here in the UK. It’s only been a couple of weeks and I am already getting cabin fever!

Now now, lets not be defeatist. @Hennie started this topic with good intentions - to instigate some action upon the Ideas list, hopefully the discussions within this topic will ignite some results.

Yes I will acknowledge that Hennie started this with the best of intentions to ignite some results so I am need to be more positive. My feelings are more based on the fact - been here before, done this and still no change. This is not the first time a topic like this was raised and Tut’s response whilst well meaning indicates an unwillingness to recognise that there is indeed a problem so I am not optimistic.

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