Hello, I have been using Manager for a few years, where I have been testing the system for about 5 years on the desktop edition and using the cloud edition for about a year.
I work as a chartered accountant and financial advisor for large companies and have more than 20 years of work experience in many sectors.
I like Manager accounting very much because of its ease of use and ease of access to information and because its use does not require any technical support (if you are capable with your work as an accountant).
I have some ideas that will develop the system to a much higher level, knowing that these ideas can be added not as a modification to the system but as optional additions for users. These additions or ideas made me, unfortunately, look for another system, because they are present in some other systems and not in Manager and made me unable to serve some customers.
So where and to whom can I contact these ideas?
And will there be responses clarifying the possibility of implementing them or not?
Please respond so that I can decide to continue or search for another alternative in an emergency so that I do not lose other customers.
As I told you before, I love the Manager system very very much and I hope I do not decide to abandon it.
Such suggestions are routinely discussed in this forum. The programmer classifies ideas he wants to implement to the “Ideas” category of this forum.
In all software products, if you want any sort of progress monitoring or assurance your idea will be implemented you need to pay a programmer for the time to implement the changes.
If you expect something (software customisation) you are not intending to pay for; then you really would be better looking for alternative software which happens to offer what you want.
Actually I did not expect this answer because I did not ask to allocate something for myself but to develop the program.
The way you responded is as if you do not even want to listen to opinions or ideas.
By the way, how can I contact you to discuss the necessary additions and their cost?
There is no need to reply to my last message, I will take your advice and start looking for an other system until the end of my subscription period with you
I really didn’t expect this response.
I said this because of what you told me. Which was unexpected for me. There is no room to talk to you again. I do not think that all members or partners speak in the same way as you spoke to me. I will try in the future to talk to someone more responsible.
is that about @Patch or about me? I think that both of us have been polite and I even gave you an idea about what to do. i.e. for each idea that you have bit that is not already in the ideas category post a new topic and see if the Developer will move it into ideas and consider it. You can read the forum posts extensively and notice that there has never been a response to "And will there be responses clarifying the possibility of implementing them or not?
But they should as @Patch nor I did not use any offensive language. We explained how to get your ideas across but that would not guarantee anything. You indicated yourself that therefore Manager is not suitable for you, so be it and please use what will serve your needs.
I am also a paying customer (Server edition) and not receive a penny from the Manager owner. I do not demand any specific treatment and try to help with the use of Manager. I can only as I did before agree with you,. i.e.