Payslip Earnings report

I need a report that shows detail of Payslip Earning items. The two reports showing Deductions and Contributions detail are good, however, I need a similar report showing detail of Payslip Earnings. We have 14 Earnings Items in our list so would like a breakdown of this in a detailed report similar to the Payslip Deductions report. Is this possible?



Bump. Any response for this? When rereading my post, it seems a bit demanding. Not my intention. I’m actually looking for a way to generate a report that gives this information. Perhaps its already there?? If it is, I can’t find it.

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it will be also, good if we have a detail report for the deduction and contribution.

I don’t know if the below is related to this idea but

we are making accrual expense for the Vacation pay, Vacation Airfare, End of service, and other related employee expenses. is it possible to have a details report to show these expense per employee

a report that will allow me to choose the employee name or ID and then it will generate the report

This was added in version 17.9.71. Therefore, this topic is being removed from Ideas category.