Paid invoices shown unpaid

I’m using version 22.3.74 and still paid invoices are shown as unpaid. Checking payments the invoice mentioned as paid, but the invoice is still showing as unpaid. Clicking on # all unpaid invoices dissapear but all the invoices are shown on random date, and checking the last page of my invoices it still show invoices as “unpaid”… So now I need to sort the invoice date. Although there is a registered payment, there is no mentioning of payment on the invoice. So the balance on the invoice is still open.

After paying an invoice, I return to the invoice and select the checkbox “Closed invoice”.
But whatever I do, the invoices that are paid, still showing as unpaid, and the invoice is not closed. Very annoying.

There must be a bug!

Can you please show the edit and view screens, thanks.

and the Supplier’s account

Also, anything in your Suspense account?

It looks like the payment has not been applied to that invoice

Here some screenshots from the edit/view of the invoice and supplier

There is no rmentioning of this invoice in the Suspense account.

Please show the transactions in the supplier’s account

Show the edit screen of the payment

There should be no VAT on the payment transaction as the VAT is already included in the invoice

I think your payment is entered incorrectly

I have 2 transaction of this supplier.
Both paid and both shown the amout of included taxes.
Both transactions

have screenshots of edit and view

That is a different purchase invoice and it has the payment applied to it

You have to show the edit screen of the payment of 20.08.2021 for 84.13

It is 99% sure that the payment is entered wrongly

Please read the guide Record a payment | Manager

@Chiburi, you need to repost the screen shots. This time, include the entire Edit or View screens. You have cut off important information at the top, including the bread crumbs, transaction type, and many field labels. So it is impossible to accurately interpret what you have shown.

This payment is not against an invoice but against an inventory or non inventory item. Check the “payment” (edit screen) you made for Diverse Kralen invoice on 22-10-2018 as this was correctly assigned to the relevant invoice. You will notice that in this case you would have selected an accounts receivable with a selected customer.

This transaction is not recorded as is a receipt from your customer but as a cash sale to the customer.

As I said, you have incorrectly recorded the receipt