I have noticed that Number Custom Fields format does not follow the format set through Settings → Date & Number Format → Number format when we have an integer; the number is shown without decimals:
Number custom field will show decimal places only if it has any. This is because Number custom field can also represent things that are not decimal numbers. For example, hotel could be tracking “Number of nights”
You don’t want to see 3.00 but just 3 nights.
Number format under Settings tab doesn’t enforce that numbers will be presented with 2 decimal places. It’s just a format example so decimal separator can be shown. If you are using currency with 3 decimal places, then you will see amounts with 3 decimal places.
When column shows currency amount, we already know number of decimal places the currency has so the presentation is more consistent. But in case of custom number fields, we don’t know that. I guess, under Number Custom Field there could be an option to force minimum decimal places. This would make formatting more consistent.
@lubos We can have a custom field for date using the default program setting, a custom text field etc, why not a custom currency field, even if it’s just a number field with a pre determined, customisable, number of decimal places?
I’m just looking at the available formats for various programs.
I have just checked it and in some placements (for example Sales Invoice, Sales Invoice -Line, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Invoice -Line, Depreciation Entry - Line, Amortization Entry - Line), we do not have the expected result by selecting “Minimum decimal places”.
Instead of the above, some other placements like Projects, Fixed Assets, “Minimum decimal places” on number custom fields is working fine.