Non-inventory item drill down

Is there a way to be able to drill down via non-inventory(or inventory or any type of data field for that matter) items - eg go to the non-inventory items listing then be able to click on it and see all the times that item was used?

Then possibly filter that data?

I would like to be able to get a list of all of the item type x sold to client y

I apologize if this is actually a really simple thing to do and I am just an idiot

For Non-Inventory Items - no, as it is only a reference name not an actual item

For Inventory Items - click on the blue Total Cost figure, then export the transactions and sort within a spreadsheet programme.

Rats, really needed non-inventory. will have to go manual…


Are we in the same situation. Can’t this be done through a query.

Can someone help.


non-inventory items are still the same as they were previously. so still no.