I have played with Manager desktop appimage on Linux Mint and am amazed at its features, usability, documentation, and forums. I know accounting and have used desktop Linux for many years. Am considering moving my very small business from Gnucash to Manager Desktop on Linux. I have done due diligence reading many Manager forum posts about Desktop version, Linux, etc. I see in March 2021, lubos wrote on this thread: Should Manager Desktop run in browser instead of standalone application - #58 by Daniel_Arthur “No plans to phase out desktop edition. I don’t think it’s more trouble than it’s worth. For a lot of people, desktop edition works just fine. You just don’t get them posting topics about it.”
Questions: (1) Is it still true that Manager Desktop for Linux is a solid choice for the next 2-4 years? Changing to Manager Cloud might not be affordable for me. (2) Are there any important forthcoming changes that might impact this? Thank you.
At https://www.manager.io/download it specifies which Manager editions are available. For Linux note that it Requires Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit) / Fedora 38 (64-bit) or newer. Some other 64-bit Linux distributions seem to work fine too.
As for your question about availability. There has never been a suggestion, since the beginning of Manager (believe since 2011) that it will discontinue any of the Desktop versions. Therefore expect Windows, Mac and Linux versions to continue.
As far as I understand, I don’t see any restrictions on the desktop version, If we feel the current version is sufficient for what we need, we can use it forever.
Even though in the future the desktop edition will be closed, we can still use the version we are currently using.
The possibility that the desktop version cannot be used anymore is due to compatibility with the browser and operating system that we use.
It doesn’t and it shouldn’t.
One of the factors that attracts people to use the cloud edition is that they can stop at any time, and still be able to open their data using the Desktop version without having to continue the Cloud subscription.