Yes… the combination of the two (costumers and suppliers) is very useful for calculation the variation of the working capital. I would also suggest an extra column with the control account each costumer and supplier is linked. @lubos?
Internal Error
19.9.10 (Server)
System.Exception: Exception of type ‘System.Exception’ was thrown.
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.CustomerSummary.CustomerSummaryView.GetViewModel (Manager.Model.CustomerSummary report) [0x002d4] in <22c3d0fab4ed4a1382002c18ed3aa065>:0
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2`1[T].GetViewModel () [0x00037] in <22c3d0fab4ed4a1382002c18ed3aa065>:0
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2.Get () [0x00000] in <22c3d0fab4ed4a1382002c18ed3aa065>:0
at HttpFramework.HttpApplication.ProcessRequest (HttpFramework.HttpRequest request, HttpFramework.HttpResponse response) [0x000ae] in <2f8915cb83b9458594dc58410aeb7f45>:0
at ManagerServer.HttpApplication.ProcessRequest (HttpFramework.HttpRequest request, HttpFramework.HttpResponse response) [0x00763] in <22c3d0fab4ed4a1382002c18ed3aa065>:0
By reducing the reporting period I don’t get the error.
I think it’s a very useful report. It would be perfect if you can add the possibility (optionally) to group them by control accounts to which they are assigned.
System.Exception: ExpenseClaim at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.SupplierSummary.SupplierSummaryView.GetViewModel(SupplierSummary report) at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2`1.GetViewModel() at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.Reports.Report2.Get() at ManagerServer.HttpApplication.ProcessRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
Thanks. I really appreciate having new features those are very useful for users.
I would like to suggest one thing.
when we used multi currency, if there only one customer or vendor for that currency, report didn’t show summary for that currency
is this possible to show total even one customer or supplier
This is a completely different kind of report. It’s an extension of General Ledger Transactions also to subledgers. I think it’s already in the ideas since I’ve asked it many times.
you are correct main reports must be as it is. an additional report in base currency or option to generate these report in base currency well help u generate the desired report for reporting