I am having trouble with some strange events. I have been using Manager since 2012. I recently noticed a new account in my expenses… Rounding Expense. I clicked on the amount and discovered a batch of invoices had ben issued with “rounding down” . I dont know how this happened as I was unaware that rounding could be activated. I edited the invoices and changed the rounding method to “none”.
I then had an account established called “customer credits”, which seems to have activated automatic allocation which is something I do not want.
The automatic allocation system becomes very confusing when it swings into action.
I am unable to turn off automatic allocation as it is not showing in my settings.
By default, rounding option is turned off on invoices. Have you actually issued any invoices with rounding? Don’t just go and turn off the rounding on those as it will affect invoice total which customer has already paid.
I have already edited and turned rounding off
Why is credit allocation happening automatically and why cant i turn it off
If you allocate against sales invoice higher amount than the invoice total, your invoice balance due would be negative. In this case Manager automatically moves overpayment to customer credits account. This way no invoice can be overpaid.
If you don’t want to trigger automatic credit allocations, you need to make sure not to allocate more than the invoice total.
I understand what you are saying.
I am VERY annoyed that Manager is becoming an uncontrollable monster. If rounding had not been activated I would not have had a problem and now automatic allocation is activated and cant be stopped?
If I make a mistake with allocation or rounding I would like to be the one to correct it.
Manager can do the above but cant put a number on a Journal Entry?
Sorry but I am very frustrated
I am/was running a fairly basic set of accounts in Manager that I was extremely happy with. I was also happy to contribute some basic ideas and see lots of others ideas implemented. I dont think anything should be automatic if the user does not want it that way !
I now have a set of accounts that I have lost control of.
@prjoey, calm down please. I am sure you will find solution here, after all it a free software. @Lubos is committed to excellence and am sure things will get better. I agree with you that journal entries just like any other transaction entry should have an automatic numbering. I am sure that will be implemented too.
I understand your frustration especially when its with accounting software as people don’t want to spend their time working out whats going on with their accounts.
So I do get your frustration. I just wanted to say as an IT Technician sometimes upgrading things does seem like one goes one step forward and two steps backwards. But it is not intentional and I believe that the end result is always worth it. So just hang in there - I am sure that Lubos will fix whatever the issue is for you as he is by far the most responsive person I have seen compared to many companies. He fixes things far quicker and he is actually interested in the feedback of his users.
So I do get your pain, but speaking as an IT technician I know sometimes I break things when I am improving other things and this is just unfortunately the way it is with upgrades - sometimes an improvement in one area buggers up something else in another area! I am sure that Lubos will address your issue as soon as he can. Take care
Rounding is turned off by default. It’s not automatically applied to invoices unless you choose to do it. But since you had it selected on some invoices, it did affect your invoice totals. For example $18.92 would become just $19.00.
You can’t retrospectively start changing invoice totals. Especially after customer has already paid you $19.00 instead of $18.92. If you do it, 8 cents will be overpaid. In double-entry accounting system you just can’t get rid of it or forget it. It must be accounted for. If invoice is overpaid, even by a single cent, Manager will transfer the overpayment to customer credit account. The credit will be automatically applied to the next invoice.
If you don’t want credits to be automatically applied, don’t record transactions which will result in overpayment of invoices.
But the software already has this option. If you don’t want automatic credit allocations, make sure you don’t allocate against invoice more money than the invoice total.
@prjoey, the way to follow @lubos’s advice not to enter more than the invoice total is to add an additional line when receiving the money. Allocate the overage to miscellaneous income, tips, bonuses, or some such revenue account, and describe what it is in the Description box. I sometimes face this problem when a customer wants to round up for their own convenience. Of course, it is seldom convenient for me and not worth the hassle of creating the extra line on the receipt, but it keeps the books in balance. Only the exact amount of the invoice should be allocated to
Accounts Receivable
I fully understand double entry accounting, I studied it for a couple of years.
Prior to rounding being available I had rounding issues which I dealt with myself by Journal Entry. If someone overpaid or underpaid I also dealt with this myself by communicating with customers and making part allocation of invoices myself.
I understand and appreciate the convenience of auto allocation, but I am not comfortable with it.
The system should allow a clear YES I want it or NO I dont.
It would be better if Manager alerted users to an overpayment when processing receipt, and it could be corrected on the spot.
I think it would solve a lot of problems when you can see the outstanding amount per invoice nummer when a payment is entered. Then it is more clear when an over or underpayment is done and it can be directed to an other account is this not a possibility @lubos ?