I would like to open the this topic again. I’m at the point where we generate over 20 recurring invoices monthly for services. It is very difficult to keep track of which one you have sent via mail and which have not been sent. Also in the process of mailing the invoice you miss one or two and the customer never get the invoice.
So my request is automated process that will make this process easier. This could be done with extra tick to mail invoice when you generate them under invoice on the reminder that comes up on top on the invoices module when you have new recurring invoices.
If you just want to track whether invoice has been mailed or not, you could create custom field on invoice level which could hold this information. Custom fields can be visible as columns too so you could see mailing status for each invoice directly on Sales Invoices tab.
No, I believe what was being suggested was as follows:
When you open the Sales Invoices Tab, a reminder appears at the top ‘You have at least 1 recurring invoice pending to be issued’. Clicking on details brings up a screen with the list of invoices due to be created, each line with a check-box on the left. By default they are checked, but you can certainly update the list the click ‘Create’.
I think the request was either a second check-box column ‘Email’, so that the Create button would create and send, rather than having to once created ‘view’ each individually and email them. That’s a lot of work when you need to create and send 40 invoices.
This would be very helpful. It could either be a separate column to check for maximum flexibility as to which are created and which are created and also emailed. Or for me at least, the single existing checkbox and a choice of two buttons ‘Create’ and ‘Create and Email’ would be fine.
I have every month 70+ invoices which I sent by email. I would like a bulk email option to send (a selection of) multiple invoices.
I also need some bulk change options on recurring invoices, like update price of articles, change the date, change the template etc.
@Tut Can you add this topic to the ideas category unless its already there. I believe that this is something that should be in the ideas category. I am considering moving to recurring sales invoicing next month and I can see the merit in this request as the business grows. Thank you