Moving from window to mac desktop

Dear all
Am using manager desktop for windows and last time I done backup and the version was 22.1.10 and now the last update is 22.1.12 and am planning to import the Bussiness to new Mac system laptop can I import it if the version is not the same compare the current version if so can you send me download links for version 22.1.10 for mac then after I import the Bussiness with the same version I will do update

Hello @iekaram
You Can Directly Import the backup into the mac latest version.
there is no need to download old version and then update .

You should use same Manager version on all platforms if to be able to open backup files. An olderversion can not open a backup from a later version. Any new version can always open a back-up from an older version except when the Develop indicates otherwise if for example as quite a while ago a serious structural change is introduced.