Modifying Tax Transaction report

Hi there.

Thanks for the amazing work that’s been done on this software. Top-notch application.

I’m trying to make a custom GST Transaction report (AUS) for my accountant. So it’s like the standard tax transaction report with the description on each transaction.

So I came up with this:

However the result is 2 lines per invoice or bill, with one line being the GST, and another being the transaction after GST.

Is there anyway of making a report with one line per transaction?



If I understand what you are saying, you are seeing the result of double-entry account. Each line item affects two accounts: the debit and the credit. The solution is to add additional filtering to exclude transactions to the accounts you are not interested in seeing.

Hi Tut,

To be clear, what I got looks like this:

From the same invoice, the first line is the GST collected, and second line is the invoiced amount without the GST.

This is happening in every transactions.

What I’m looking for is one line with Total Sales and Tax on Sales on the same line.

Is it possible?

No, because the base amount and tax are different general ledger entries to different accounts. But why not use the Tax Transactions report?

The accountant need more information about the payment than what the tax transaction report is providing.

Eg, this is what I have now:


which is payment and the from account, but it doesn’t say what it is for.

Is there any way I could modify this report?

Have you looked at the General Ledger Transactions report?

Hey Tut,

Just saw that. Only problem is because I use cash-based reporting, GL Transactions will give us the payment accrual-based. So I would be off by a few transactions.

Are there any alternatives?


Copy the report to a spreadsheet and modify as needed.

Try starting from something like this

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That does the trick. Verified and it works.

Thank you.