Minor spacing issue when printing


Just asking for a favour - is it possible to help with fixing some spacing to make it look better when I print a report?

I’m using chrome on a mac. Not sure if it’s only my computer or google chrome’s printing feature, or anything else. Please refer to attached screenshot (The title is slightly squeezed together when it’s too long)


At the present time, reports cannot be manipulated. Only sales invoices can be customized. For a professional look, I recommend you shorten your title by taking the date information out. The date range always appears in the subheading anyway.

You could re-word - Income & Expense Statement for the Year 2015
or - Income & Expense Statement for 2015

As mentioned, the date range appears in the sub-heading

Oh didn’t realise that! Thanks lots :slight_smile:

OK, I didn’t think someone will need more than 1 line. I think this is fixable. It’s just that you are probably the first one to ever come across this issue.

@lohjonming, is this issue present even if you click Email button and send yourself PDF?

Good point. When printing with chrome on mac, it has spacing issue. like below:

But when looking at the email attachment, it is fine:

I’ll probably start printing from email pdf from now on since it’s fine there. no biggie. thank you