Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime

Hello, I am new to manager. I just found it and it might be the accounting software for my needs. I downloaded it and installed it, but then I received the message

Application requires Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime. Does it need Edge or IE to run?

I thought it is a desktop version.

Thank you for your help in advance.

No it needs webveiw2 Runtime.
You can download from Here @GMARC

Thank you for your quick reply.

I just checked the download site you provided. webview2 Runtime



that is the very same as the window which comes up when I try to open Manager. I think I phrased my question wrong. No matter what, I will need the Microsoft edge webview2 runtime. If I use the Evergreen which is recommended - manually downloading it states “This approach avoids dependency on Microsoft’s CDN, to get the Runtime.” Will it also avoid dependency in the future.

The windows desk top version of Manager now used Edge / Webview2. Older versions used widows Internet explorer. You can block Webview2 internet access via your antvirus software (if yours support that) as Manager does not need webview2 to have internet access.

To avoid webview2 you can use the server version of Manager or use Manager desktop on Mac or Linux.

Thank you. I have downloaded Evergreen as recommended. The Manager works. I am now making myself familiar with the software and setting up. We are just a startup. Maybe later we will go with a server version or cloud.

Again thank you for your time for answering my question.