Managing Sales and Purchases Orders (Advanced Features Request/Suggestion)

Dear Sir @Lubos, Consider this feature request to enhance our quest to make Manager better.

When I send a purchase order or a sales order, manager must be able to assist me in the form of showing current status of the order. When I receive a bill or an invoice and am entering, Manager should be able to inform me when I select a customer for Sales invoice or a supplier for a purchase invoice if there is an order pending for that customer. I could then select the order number and enter the invoice against it if there exist an order for that customer/supplier. Manager should be able to tell me the balance due on orders anytime I open the order modules (Purchases & Sales Orders) to help me track the status of the order just like sales orders and purchase invoices due balances which are displayed invoice by invoice.
Sometimes we may provide a service or deliver inventory items to our customers or receive a service or inventory from our suppliers before invoicing or billing our customers or receiving bills from our suppliers.
For example, there could be a supplier I issued a purchase order to who may supply the inventory items or service in bits but raise a bill or an invoice after the last batch of supply. I should be able to receive inventory items or enter services which will automatically affect the balance on the order but not raise account payable because the bill hasn’t been issued but goods or services have been delivered to our premises. Vice versa for Sales order.
So I envision that when I open a purchase order I should see “Receive Order” and “Receive Invoice” buttons.
Receive order will affect the status of the order and increase inventory on hand but will not post to account Payable.
Receive invoice will post to account payable.
With Sales Orders when opened the buttons could be “Send Order” which will affect inventory if the order involves inventory items but will not post to account payable and “Send Invoice” which posts to account receivable against the order reference numbers.
All “Receive” and “Send” must affect the order status.
In an advanced purchase order and sales order module, I should be able to track the status of an order. So when I open the purchase order there should be a colomn after
When an order is completed I should be able to close the order. I should also be able to close the order when I choose to, regardless whether the order has been completed or not. The Order Modules should show on columns the following by their reference numbers.
• Order Amount
• Amount Delivered
• Amount Uninvoiced
• Delivery Deadline
• Due Dates
• Status: Closed, Active, Completed (not by custom field but automatically determined)
It will a be cool to see on the order when viewed another column right after the amount column a line by line status of the delivery like below.

Order management is a very important feature to have in an accounting app these days. I therefore request for the prioritisation of this module for the year as the users of is growing. The current order modules only help to print or mail an order without any tracking capabilities. The current order modules needs face lifting.

Thank You for your consideration


I’m planning to implement a module which will allow to manage the workflow of sales or purchases. But this still some months away.


will come back a month later for ETA :slight_smile:

I am awaking this topic again…

As always I try to suggest features that will make manager better.

My company for instance raises a purchase/service order for every vendor/supplier for every purchase agreement and we receive sales orders from some of our client too.
If we raise a purchase order for a service or a good, the vendor will have to quote the order number in every invoice issued to us and every delivery note issued to us in respect of that purchase agreement.
We also quote sales order numbers on invoices we issue to our clients for sales who require sales orders.
We need a tracker that can tell us the balances on purchase and sales orders.
I wrote down a long suggestion above but I have revised it.
Now the focus is just on the Purchase/Sales order amount and invoices issued for the order. I complicated the process in my suggestion above by including goods received and goods delivered in the process.

The main goal is to get manager to tell me the outstanding balances on orders.
The ability of manager to show the statuses of invoices and bank transaction with colors will be applied here.
So if we receive an invoice in respect of any purchase order we will enter the invoice from the order management tab. Go to Purchase orders, find the order and copy to New Purchase Invoice or enter the order number in the order field. Manager will then deduct the invoice total from the order amount and show the balance under status.
Green for completed orders, Yellow for orders uncompleted and Red for Orders yet to be touched, and maybe blue for orders for which amount invoiced is higher than the order amount.
The same work flow for Sales orders.
If Goods are received with delivery note but the invoice hasn’t arrived. The items will be received but since the order management is based on order amount and invoiced amount, it will be ignored (manager will ignore It in calculating the balance on the order)
Order management is the new must have in accounting applications. I know @lubos can even make the work flow better.

Reasons for this feature to be added.

  1. Protects company resources. Before any invoice is entered for payment, the cost center manager or the department head will have to match the invoice with the order and the order balance before it is accepted in the system for payment. Reducing the risk of entering fake invoices/duplicate invoices.
  2. Helps in the budgeting and forecasting process. Helps the management of the company to get a better view of how the company is spending and on what.
  3. Reminds the company of outstanding balances on sales orders automatically.

what say you @lubos ?

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I definitely understand what you’re proposing and I agree.

So, on customer side we have following workflow:

Sales Order → Sales Invoice(s) → Delivery Note(s)

or if goods are delivered before invoice, then:

Sales Order → Delivery Note(s) → Sales Invoice(s)

But in both instances the workflow starts with an order. So maybe when creating delivery notes or sales invoices, you could select which order is the invoice or delivery note related to. Then Manager could keep track of fulfillment status. One order could have multiple delivery notes or multiple sales invoices (if order needs to be broken down into multiple shipments or/and multiple invoices)

I’m leaving out sales quotes as they are really not part of the workflow. The workflow must start with an order.

Similar on purchasing side, you have a workflow:

Purchase Order → Goods Receipt(s) → Purchase Invoice(s)

The same concept.

Are we on the same page?


I totally agree with the work flow,

The above is exactly what happens in my company and with most of our clients.

Yes leave out Quotes.

Please proceed.

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I would advise having sales quotes included in the workflow as the whole point of open sales quotes is to chase up clients who have received a quote but have not got back to you. I consider the sales quote-sales order-delivery note-sales invoice to be the whole workflow - see my topic re status of quotes as well as the topics are related to some extent.

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@lubos I was waiting for a month to go by before I ask about the status of this feature request.
Any news ??

Any news on this @lubos

@lubos Any progress on this topic? Any challenges?
Any information on the ETA

I urgently need this game changing feature for my company and also to win a contract.

@lubos my previous comments enquiring The status of this feature hasn’t been answered. I really need to know what is happening to this feature please.

From what I understand, the roadmap for new features is usually not announced until it has been implemented. This is probably due to changing priorities, and the difficulty of a particular task might mean it gets delayed longer than originally expected.

Since the feature hasn’t been released yet … and it looks like it will be a large piece of work for the developer to complete … don’t get your hopes up about it being announced soon.

I recommend you try to find workarounds in the meantime. Maybe there is a manual way that you can keep track of your orders, until this is implemented? (e.g. spreadsheet)

when this topics implemented? Perhaps in countries with stable exchange rates the SO / PO module has little to do with the buying and selling process. But for us, in Indonesia, SO / PO has a very important role to make the price and quantity stable. this is because there are still many imported goods using dollars or some other currency. Therefore we make SO / PO to tie the price for a certain period of time. I really hope this can be a concern.

@Abeiku isn’t this topic: How to find Pending Deliverables on Sales Orders discussing the same matter?

Yes I think he is also on the same line, he wants to see his pending orders when he enters the order tabs
With my suggestion my focus was more on basic Procurement and Sales Management in Manager using orders and invoicing. Sales and procurement management these days is not only managed on computerised systems by issuing invoices or delivery and receipts documents. The accounting application should be able to easily tell users pending sales and purchases orders at a glance.

This feature makes the difference between accounting applications now. My initial suggestion included tracking inventory to deliver and inventory to be received but then I changed the focus with a subsequent suggestion to tracking orders just based on the monetary amounts with the hope that it extends to cover inventory in the future when things are clearer. But in the end, everything sales and purchases ends up on an invoice so using invoice is simple and best fit looking at how @Lubos tries not to complicate the application.

From the topic, I saw how @Tut and @Lubos insist orders are not binding, yes order are not binding but good customer relationship and trust and supplier reliability is key in company survival. So the focus should be shifted from legal documents and to proper order management. Orders are nearly binding now in the commercial world. A company will issue a purchase order only to trusted and carefully selected supplier and there are often clauses in the order document which ensures parties don’t disappoint in the delivery and payment.

Orders should not be posted into the system but Manager should be able to show balances.
Customer A ordered a service of $ 1000 and inventory of $ 1500 which sums up to $ 2500.
And we invoiced $ 1000 service item and $ 500 inventory to the customer.


The idea is monitoring Sales and Purchases orders balances with Manager


when will status of pending deliverable on sales orders be implemented. bcoz many people time to time asking for this option and it is already very delayed

@lubos Any update on this request - Report on undelivered purchases. Thank you

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Hi @lubos, an we expect this soon, its been long wait.:roll_eyes:

really need to tracking pending quantities on purchase orders, not sure if this will ever be implemented

This was already implemented. You must choose the option on inventory items to track quantities to receive and then use goods receipts. See the Guide: Use goods receipts | Manager.