I am trying to update the program to the lates version but I keep getting the message “Error in parsing the app package” .
Any help on this?
I am running Win10 Pro with latest updates
Thank you!
I am trying to update the program to the lates version but I keep getting the message “Error in parsing the app package” .
Any help on this?
I am running Win10 Pro with latest updates
Thank you!
It seems to be working fine at my end. But it’s possible someone’s update has broken something (not our update). I would wait for a few days, there is a chance it will be fixed on its own if this is widespread issue affecting many users suddenly. Either web-browser not downloading the file correctly (try another web-browser) or some new Windows update that has broken something.
Thank you lubos !
I have been trying to troubleshoot the problem but with no luck so far.
All Win10 updates are done and Manager seesm to be running well, but even to update that one was a bit difficult (but its is working and that is what matters to me!).
I’ll keep an eye out and if I mange to figure out what happen, I will share it here.
Thank you for your reply and for creating such an awesome program!
This can still be an issue with the package manager, so another advise in another post by @Lubos is to rename the .msix
file to .zip
and unzip it and then install as usual.
Thank you eko!
Only saw your reply now, sorry.
I managed to install the new version by using PowerShell with the command;
Add-AppxPackage -Path “Location where the update is saved\program name with extension”
For reasons that I cannot understand, Windows decided in its eternal wisdom that Manager it is now part of its Apps (as listed on RevoUninstaller).
The even more stramge part is, I created a “mocking” account on my a computer and was able to install Manager normally. Go figure.
Onace again, thank you for your help as well eko!
What is a “mocking” account?
I apologize for my poor english.
By “mocking account” I mean an account that I will not keep and that was setup just for this purpose.
One can create other windows accounts that, can be used by another person, or to try and test programs without affecting main account.
Hope to be able to clarify what I meant with this and I apologize for the confusion
Ok, I understand now
That would seem to indicate that your normal account has a setting somewhere that causes the problem
Likely a file protection problem removing the prior Manager install