Problem with Manager msix

I have problems installing Enterprice 2016 LTBS 64 Bits on Windows 10 with the Manager io.msix, it only allows me the Manager io.exe, please help me and/or support me with a solution to it.

Can you post some screenshot for reference? But I think the issue would be that mainstream support for that operating system from Microsoft has ended unless you have specifically purchased extended support and applied all the patches.

Just rename the manager.msix file to and unzip that file. You will notice that now you have the .exe file available.

Greetings Dear Mr. Lubos, Thank you very much for the support and/or help solved, I upload a screenshot

Greetings Dear Mr. Eko, Thank you very much for the support and/or help solved, I upload a screenshot

So what did you do that was inspired by @Lubos to resolve your issue? Upgrade your Windows system? Or did you follow my advice regarding unzipping?

Hello Mr. Eko follow your advice to compress and decompress to .zip

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