January 12, 2021, 7:29pm
This bug will be fixed within a few days.
For the time being, there are two workarounds:
Use external web-browser. You can do it by opening any hyperlink within Manager in new window.
Or rename file you are selecting so it contains no spaces or special characters.
1 Like
I just upgraded from its previous 21.1.x version which worked, but 21.1.18 on Big Sur, when I go to View a Receipt, then click on New Attachment, and select an attachment to upload, it immediately crashes.
Console logs:
error 08:37:49.205087+1300 ManagerDesktop An uncaught exception was raised
error 08:37:49.205207+1300 ManagerDesktop *** -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]
error 08:37:49.205914+1300 ManagerDesktop (
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff204e86af __exceptionPreprocess + 242
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff202203c9 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2059ca9a -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:].cold.1 + 0
3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2059aca4 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithCapacity:].cold.1 + 0
4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff203f15bc -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 154
5 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2044b0d8 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 40
6 ??? 0x00000001218a42fd 0x0 + 4857676541
7 ??? 0x00000001218a3726 0x0 + 4857673510
8 ??? 0x00000001218a3680 0x0 + 4857673344
9 ??? 0x000000012189d19d 0x0 + 4857647517
10 ??? 0x000000012189cc00 0x0 + 4857646080
11 WebKit 0x00007fff3c886926 _ZN6WebKit10UIDelegate8UIClient12runOpenPanelERNS_12WebPageProxyEPNS_13WebFrameProxyEONS_13FrameInfoDataEPN3API19OpenPanelParametersEPNS_31WebOpenPanelResultListenerProxyE + 360
12 WebKit 0x00007fff3c928f7c _ZN6WebKit12WebPageProxy12runOpenPanelEN3WTF16ObjectIdentifierIN7WebCore19FrameIdentifierTypeEEEONS_13FrameInfoDataERKNS3_19FileChooserSettingsE + 566
13 WebKit 0x00007fff3cba7c63 _ZN6WebKit12WebPageProxy17didReceiveMessageERN3IPC10ConnectionERNS1_7DecoderE + 51639
14 WebKit 0x00007fff3c5fd705 _ZN3IPC18MessageReceiverMap15dispatchMessageERNS_10ConnectionERNS_7DecoderE + 125
15 WebKit 0x00007fff3c949010 _ZN6WebKit15WebProcessProxy17didReceiveMessageERN3IPC10ConnectionERNS1_7DecoderE + 28
16 WebKit 0x00007fff3c5de160 _ZN3IPC10Connection15dispatchMessageENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_7DecoderENS1_14default_deleteIS3_EEEE + 696
17 WebKit 0x00007fff3c5dd9cd _ZN3IPC10Connection24dispatchIncomingMessagesEv + 477
18 JavaScriptCore 0x00007fff374148bd _ZN3WTF7RunLoop11performWorkEv + 573
19 JavaScriptCore 0x00007fff3741536a _ZN3WTF7RunLoop11performWorkEPv + 26
20 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2046ea0c CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION + 17
21 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2046e974 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 180
22 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2046e6ef __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 248
23 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2046d121 __CFRunLoopRun + 890
24 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2046c6ce CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 563
25 HIToolbox 0x00007fff286f16d0 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
26 HIToolbox 0x00007fff286f14cc ReceiveNextEventCommon + 709
27 HIToolbox 0x00007fff286f11ef _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
28 AppKit 0x00007fff22c89de9 _DPSNextEvent + 883
29 AppKit 0x00007fff22c885af -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1366
30 AppKit 0x00007fff22c7ab0a -[NSApplication run] + 586
31 AppKit 0x00007fff22c4edf2 NSApplicationMain + 816
32 ??? 0x000000012057524b 0x0 + 4837560907
33 ??? 0x0000000120575138 0x0 + 4837560632
34 ??? 0x000000012057393b 0x0 + 4837554491
35 ??? 0x0000000120573665 0x0 + 4837553765
36 ??? 0x000000011d05a0ac 0x0 + 4781875372
37 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e5173d9 CallDescrWorkerInternal + 124
38 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e36c0df _ZN18MethodDescCallSite16CallTargetWorkerEPKmPmi + 1519
39 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e24762a _Z7RunMainP10MethodDescsPiPP8PtrArray + 746
40 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e247963 _ZN8Assembly17ExecuteMainMethodEPP8PtrArrayi + 387
41 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e2846ad _ZN8CorHost215ExecuteAssemblyEjPKDsiPS1_Pj + 509
42 libcoreclr.dylib 0x000000010e230e92 coreclr_execute_assembly + 242
43 libhostpolicy.dylib 0x000000010e191923 _Z19run_app_for_contextRK20hostpolicy_context_tiPPKc + 1443
44 libhostpolicy.dylib 0x000000010e192c2a corehost_main + 234
45 libhostfxr.dylib 0x000000010e127981 _ZN10fx_muxer_t24handle_exec_host_commandERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERK19host_startup_info_tS8_RKNS0_13unordered_mapI13known_optionsNS0_6vectorIS6_NS4_IS6_EEEE18known_options_hashNS0_8equal_toISD_EENS4_INS0_4pairIKSD_SG_EEEEEEiPPKci11host_mode_tPciPi + 1281
46 libhostfxr.dylib 0x000000010e126ad3 _ZN10fx_muxer_t7executeENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEEiPPKcRK19host_startup_info_tPciPi + 611
47 libhostfxr.dylib 0x000000010e12447a hostfxr_main_startupinfo + 138
48 ManagerDesktop 0x000000010e0e4793 _Z9exe_startiPPKc + 1795
49 ManagerDesktop 0x000000010e0e49df main + 143
50 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff20391621 start + 1
default 08:37:49.206367+1300 ManagerDesktop *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘*** -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]’
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff204e86af __exceptionPreprocess + 242
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff202203c9 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2059ca9a -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:].cold.1 + 0
3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2059aca4 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithCapacity:].cold.1 + 0
4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff203f15bc -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 154
5 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2044b0d8 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 40
6 ??? 0x00000001218a42fd 0x0 + 4857676541
7 ??? 0x00000001218a3726 0x0 + 4857673510
8 ??? 0x<…>
this one work nicely, thank you!!
January 13, 2021, 10:38am
Can you please upgrade to the latest version (21.1.20). The crashing issue when selecting a file should be fixed now.
January 13, 2021, 1:57pm
This fixed the bug I experienced in my tests.