I use manager software all the time and like it very much. one thing i am missing is shortcuts to do entries faster. currenlty have to either use tabs or mouse to select options.
It would be great if there are shortcuts for like Receive MOney, Spend Money and transfers.
I will be doing bookkeeping of sales invoices (around 3000 invoice), I realize that I’m wasting too many time as using mouse. That would be faster If shortcuts would be implemented or If is there any chance to creat an import portal to excel files for sales invoices that would be better.
Is there any preparation for implementation part for the importing to invoices or should I do accounting for 3000 invoices as Manuel
Except for the tick boxes (discount, rounding, etc.) and Create, you can generate a sales invoice entirely from the keyboard using tab and arrow keys, plus beginning to type and then using the arrow keys to pick the auto-fill options. To be really efficient, you will need to remember some of the dropdown menu options, such as for late fees, to know what to type. But I assume since you have 3000 invoices to enter you will remember these after the first few.