Keyboard shortcuts

More shortcuts can be implemented like F1 for New Invoice, F2 for new quote, F3 for New Bank Transaction etc and make it more keyboard oriented.

Cheers to this software!!


Yeah, this will be fun to implement. I wouldn’t hard-code functions like that since everybody is using different modules/workflow. So it will be something under Settings and configurable.


Related to this is the feature where if you open a new form, say ‘receive money’ in a cache acount, the first input field has focus. That way you can start typing at once, without having to use the mouse first.
Personally I am a big fan of the keyboard, and I would love to see more development in this direction. It shouldn’t be too much work either, especially if you would use config files for key mapping.



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Under settings where is the option for keyboard shortcuts.

there are no keyboard shortcuts defined specifically for Manager.
the OS defaults will work with Manager too.