Hi, I received the message ‘Manager cannot start because it is already running’ and cannot open or use the program. This has happened on two computers running the desktop program. I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled. I have checked task manager to shut down anything that might be running in the background. I have updated Manager to the latest version. Nothing seems to work. System is Vista on a Satellite and Windows 8 on a Kira. Both running Manager 14.11.28
Your assistance would greatly be appreciated - H
This error is shown when Manager can’t access its data folder. Usually it’s because other instance of Manager is already running.
A few days ago someone had similar problem and it turned out Manager couldn’t access its data folder because it was located on the other computer which was inaccessible. Have you changed the default location of data folder where Manager is trying to read data from?
I am having a similar issue. I did change the location of the data folder. I move the data folder to a mapped network drive. I did this so that I can move from one system to another and still be able to access the same information. (Single user multiple machines) I did this at work and it seemed to work without issue. I tried the same thing at home at it gave me this issue. I don’t know why.
It could be that Manager can’t access the mapped network drive. Can you verify outside Manager that you can access mapped network drive?