Make bank account show in chart of account then create subaccount under it?

It is clearer now. This is quite similar to making provisions as discussed Balance Sheet Report + Processing Provisions - #37 by kobus_Jhg (read posts from bottom to top, ie latest first). You would setup some provision/budget accounts as cash (not bank even though it technically is bank):

Create the following cash control accounts in settings:

  • Life savings
  • Savings for a new house
  • Savings for a new car

Create the following cash accounts (use bank and cash accounts tab):

  • Life savings (assign to the Life savings control account)
  • Savings for a new house (assign to the Savings for a new house control account)
  • Savings for a new car (assign to the Savings for a new car control account)

You need to activate “Inter Account Transfers” in customize. You then would see an Inter Account Transfers tab where you can transfer from Bank account whatever amounts you want to these provisional/budget accounts. When ready to buy the new car or use some of the life savings you do another account transfer where these go from the cash accounts you created to the bank account to make the expenses.