There are mail-templates for orders, invoices…
Some clients ask me to put specific text in the subject of the mail with the invoice (I send my invoices immediately from Manager).
Is it possible (or can it be an idea) to make a specific mail template for one or more clients?
So, when manager loads the mail template, first check if there is specific mail template for that client, if not, just use the default.
Have you tried making an email template containing a Liquid conditions statement to display the specific information for the required sub set of emails? A custom field may provide an efficient method of invoking required features in your template or even the customer specific text.
Yes I tried already with custom fields and Liquid in my template.
I do use already.
Problem is that the subject of the mail is already displayed and loaded.
Or do you mean adding Liquid code in de the subject line of the template?
My mistake. You are correct, @Patch . I had not looked at that Guide in quite a while. The Liquid reference was added about 13 months ago. I will edit my earlier post with a correction.