I’ve been using manager.io for a while now (great by the way!). Today, it crashed (can’t remember what I was doing, I think looking in the report area). I don’t recall what the version I was using was, I probably last updated around February of this year.
After the crash, I decided to download the latest version (as of today) on my Mac, and when I opened, my data was no longer there.
Since I did previously backup, I was able to open that, but it wasn’t the latest version of my work, so I’d like to try and find where the most recent .manager files are located on my computer (using the desktop version)?
I searched “.manager” files (including invisible files), but all I found was my backup file.
Where could the data have gone?
I did see the “related posts” pop up (about data loss) as I’m typing this, but when I go to the posts which say “refer to this guide” and click the link, the links don’t work … as if the guides were relocated somewhere else.
Many thanks. I found the files in the location you specified.
Looks like the new manager desktop software didn’t automatically pick up the files there. I don’t know if it’s related to the fact that the last time the old version was open it actually crashed, and I did not re-open with that same version – but rather replaced the app with the new version, and then opened. Maybe that threw it off?
Excellent software by the way, enjoyable to use
Actually, I realized it’s the same data as my backup file. Perhaps the fact I opened the backup after the update before going back to the original files, those original files got replaced with the backup now?
You should never save the backup files at the same location as the active files. Also you are advised to also store the backups frequently on a memory stick / external drive that you must remove after saving the business backup files to them, and thirdly also consider saving backup files on a cloud file server such as ICloud.
It is also good practice to always make a backup and store as explained before any Manager update is made.