Logo & business name alignment

how to set logo on left and business name in middle of page in custom theme.
i am trying it with below codes. but business name shifts to right of page.
i want business name in center just below the title and beside logo.


have you tried using the themes? Free Accounting Software | Manager

you cannot customize a theme if you are not familiar with html coding.

the coding you have entered is incorrect.

remove the </div> in your 4th line and put it just before </td> in the 3rd line.

Yes you make a mistake in Code.
As @sharpdrivetek tell…

Just Interchange the position… As per the photo.

it is not interchange…

not working
plz help
name is going on right side in pdf view

the piece of code you have shown alone does not contribute to the appearance of your requirement.

looking at your invoice i think you have made some customization already to the default theme. i recommend you get support from the same person who customized it for you.

Why...? 3dr Line Start with <div> then it will be end with </div>
and as this 4th line Starts with <td> .... which is not Closed still..... 
we have to Close it. As you can see in above Picture.
**[May be it can not make a desired look]** but theoretically we have to close it with </td>. 

@virtuos You Must Have some knowledge of HTML Coding. then only you can get desired Look of Invoice.
I Prefer you to use the Free Themes of manager as @sharpdrivetek messaged previously.

you are using the new image of code sent by @virtuos. I was referring to the initial image posted here. According to that its not an interchange.

Friend, Please Check my Post and also the Original post of @virtuos
… in 3rd line … <div> starts… but that 3rd line was End with </td>
and… look at the 4th line… <td> starts… but that line was Ends with </div>
So I tell for the Interchange. :men_wrestling:

this is your first post.

this is your second post.

now can you see the difference? i have underlined in green.