Is there any way to link a custom field to a customer, so that it appears on an invoice automatically?

On my invoices I like to add a customer code, which I do with a custom field. Is there a way to link a custom field to a customer, so that when I select the customer to invoice it automatically shows.

Right now I have to add it in manually every time.

Screenshot 2024-01-06 121230

You have to enter the data of the Custom field into that Custom field on the Customer’s Edit page for each customer.

I’m away from my computer at the moment, but I did look on the Customer’s profile and didn’t see an input for that custom field.

Do I have to do something so it do show up as an inputtable field on the customer page?

You need to show the EDIT screen of the custom field to answer your question - it may be wrongly defined

Then I guess you haven’t selected Customer In the Placement field.

BTW, it’s recommended to read the guides, the new ones in process and the old ones.

Thank you. I had it set to Sales Invoice instead of Customer.