Is there a way to look in two places in Manager at the same time?

Yes, there is!

Because Manager has a web browser user interface, we get all the features of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and probably all the others automatically incorporated into Manager.

Maybe most people already know these things. I suspect that some may not know all the things you can do with a mouse click and the Ctrl and Shift keys.

Ctrl+Click opens the link in a new tab.

Shift+Click opens the link in a new instance of the browser.

Ctrl+Shift+Click opens the link in a new tab and makes the new tab active.

Let us say that I am in the middle of entering a payment. The supplier I need is not yet on the list of suppliers. I hold down the shift key while clicking on the Manager Suppliers tab. The current payment entry is undisturbed. The Suppliers opens in a new browser instance. I add my supplier. I press Ctrl+w to close Suppliers, and I’m back in the payment that I was in the middle of entering.

I only know about Windows browsers. But maybe someone can confirm that Mac OS and Linux also have these features.

Procedures for opening second Manager windows have been discussed many, many times previously in the forum and the newsletter. Interested users can search for the various discussions.

In short, however, while you can open second windows under all operating systems and all editions of Manager, the specific procedures you listed are not universal for browsers (for server and cloud editions) or operating systems.

Given the frequency of discussion, including a description of the feature in the guides is likely to be useful imo.

I posted Windows information. Can somebody post similar information on how to do the same sort of things in Linux and Mac?

I don’t need it myself because I use Windows. If this forum is about users helping users, then could be appropriate.

It has been posted numerous times, as I already wrote.


I think you have a good idea. Someplace in the guides might give guidance on using Manager efficiently.

I am thinking that we would not want it to become a guide on how to use every kind of browser or even how to use one browser. We might give a few examples and encourage users to learn these kinds of features in their favorite browser.

You are perceptive to see why I might think some users might find this information useful. As @Tut and you mentioned, there are multiple discussions that start with a “lack” in Manager and are resolved by using features that come with the browsers.

Whoever writes the guides does a very good job making the guides clear and concise. I wonder who writes the Guides. Is it @Tut or @lubos or both or someone else?