Is there a data risk from free version update to actual data

Dear Sir,

Can I use the free version of my computer and update it without any problems? Where a friend told me that you have spread the news that the update may damage the old database?
And is there a future change for this free version that I used, or can I rely on it completely?

Note :
i used the free version about seven month’s .

Thank you for your efforts and kind cooperation.

To the best of my knowledge, Desktop version is completely free and there is not damage after installing new update! I am also a user of desktop version for almost a year, am just willing to switch to cloud version by next year, since when have been using the desktop version, i always update to latest version once i noticed there is new version on board.

You are free my brother to update… Manager software is a wonderful accounting package

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A post was split to a new topic: Switch to Cash Basis accounting

@islam_ward, your data will not be damaged by an update. Sometimes the update restructures the database to incorporate new features.

Also, there will certainly be future updates. The program advances very rapidly.

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