Invoices show incorrect due date

Hi, I use the non-Cloud version. When creating a new invoice, which has a fixed due date (BY), the date on the actual invoice, and on the invoice list, is incorrect. (I can only add one media pic :expressionless: so I will explain in text…)

Steps - I create a new invoice (whether directly or from a sales order) and I place the Due Date as BY 03 March. The app captures this incorrectly, and shows today’s date in the Invoice List and on the actual invoice.

Here is my one allowed picture:


When using “NET” (like NET 7 days) for the date, it shows correct date.



You indicate that you use Desktop Edition, but for what Operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac and versions) and more importantly what Manager version (is shown on the bottom of each Manager screen)?

Can you also show screenshot of Edit form how the date is entered?

Windows 11

Here is #1

Hi, I see the error… The dropdown shows FEBRUARY and not MARCH. Apologies…

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Welcome to the forum @BigDee.

Glad you got this sorted so I’m going to close this topic.

It’s useful to know that you can also setup default credit period using the Form defaults in your Sales Invoices tab, if you have a single credit period for everyone.

For more info check out this guide:

Alternatively, you can also do this for each Customer individually on their Edit screen.

You can also do both at the same time.

This will save a lot of time and energy creating invoices and reduce manual entry mistakes along the way.
