Just a thought…could an OVERDUE watermark be placed on outstanding invoices, so they can be sent out to the customer again and when the due by date is extended or the outstanding amount is paid in full, the watermark will not appear on an invoice?
From reading the forum, I have found the only way to send an outstanding amount to a customer is to print off the customer statement and forward it to them.
I am using the current version, and notice the stamp at the bottom of the invoice, but was looking at something that stands out more across the middle of the invoice when emailed or printed as a .pdf as shown below. It could also be utilised as a paid invoice as well. The reason I asked this is because I had sent an invoice out and the overdue stamp was under the 3rd fold when I posted it, and as the invoice was not totally unfolded, it was overlooked by the customer.
Use HTML to modify default template so it shows big stamp if the invoice is overdue. (you will need to know HTML or get someone who knows to do it for you)
Some printers can print watermark/overlay on top of the printed content