Inventory: QTY owned, QTY on hand, QTY to deliver - Not working as intended

I’ve read the guides and the forum and still can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Or maybe it’s a bug but I have delivery notes enabled and as soon as I invoice an item, QTY owned, Qty on hand and QTY available is updated accordingly and Qty to deliver doesn’t change, stays at 0. Shouldn’t the Qty to deliver be updated according to the invoice qty? And then clear it once I create a delivery note? And only then the Qty on hand should reduce? As of now, delivery notes are not really affecting anything for me.

EDIT: Also, on the Item page, I have “track quantity to deliver” ticked.

No bug! Please read all the @Lubos posts at Added "Qty available", "Qty to be available" and "Qty to order" columns to “Inventory Items”

From what I understand, I guess I have to implement sales orders in the workflow if I want QTY to deliver to work properly. As of now, I use quotes and then once customer agrees on pricing and advance payment, They will send in the payment and I then send them an Invoice once payment is received. And I immediately create a receipt for the payment against the invoice. Finally, I use delivery note for when I actually ship the goods.

How can I change this workflow to implement QTY to deliver? I don’t see where sales orders fit in here. Should I replace the Quotes by sales orders?

Please note that I advised you to read ALL of @Lubos posts in the link I provided. You would then have found:




Use Obsolete Qty to receive, on hand and to deliver. They are connected to invoices.
They are obsolete but its your choice if you want it you can use this feature.
And i think Lubos somewhere mentioned that he is not planning to remove those in the near future.
Still i would suggest that instead of removing these columns in future they should be renamed. Like for obsolete columns, Invoiced qty to deliver, qty on hand, Invoice qty to receive.
For new columns, ordered qty to deliver, qty available for sale, ordered qty to receive.

@shahabb Thank you! this does it for me although it still can’t detect that a delivery note is dated in the future which should not clear the to deliver column until that date. Regardless that’s a minor issue.

I just don’t see the new implementation being a fit for the way I do things. Sales order is something I don’t need, Unless I start using that instead of quotes and I change change the titles of each Sales order to Quotation.

I didnt get what you mean by this.
One more thing i forgot to mention that you have to check “Track qty to deliver/receive” on every item(which u want to track) for the obosolete columns to work.

Often times, I will create a delivery note before actually delivering the goods. But seems like the obsolete “qty to deliver” column is updated immediately as you create a delivery note regardless if you date the delivery note for 1 week later or for same day.

Do you mean you create delivery note and select a future date on it?

Yes exactly. And by doing that, I’m expecting the “qty to deliver” to only be cleared on that date.

I dont think so thats gonna work. Because date is not selected on tab/module level. So every module/tab are affected the moment a transaction is created. And I dont think other programmes have the feature u want. So you have to change your workflow a lil bit and create delivery note when goods are going to get delivered.

Yes that is the right way to do it anyways so I will adjust to it.